Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What a semester!!!

Hello Everybody! Thank you all for working so hard and giving your best effort this semester. I hope Ben and I have inspired you to be better writers finding excitement in the act of putting one's thoughts out in the world. It has been a really good semester, we have seen you improving every week. Thank you all!



Well, since you asked ... here he is! Little Caleb (full name: Caleb William Darling Lempert) was born Monday (yesterday) morning at 10:47 am. He and Mom are in good shape, although it's 2 am right now and I'm rapidly learning to type with one hand. Here are a few pictures of the little dude from a few hours after he was born. Mostly he just looks pretty spastic(!).

Thank you all for the fun semester ... have a great holiday and please keep in touch!

Monday, December 15, 2008


Where's the picture of the baby?


Thanks for a great class. My writing really did improve a lot.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Where we turn in our paper

Okay I know it's Friday, by 3pm to a mailbox. What was the number though, 7---? And is it in Dwinelle? Thanks.


So when we turn in the paper, are we also turning in the peer edit sheets and putting it all in a folder like last time, or is it just turning in the paper this time? I know Ben said we don't need to turn in all of our essays, but do we need to turn in the other stuff? I hope this question wasn't already answered :/

Thanks guys.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Final essay

I was working on my essay and I looking at a quote in The Lover: "Their disgrace is a matter of course. Both are doomed to discredit because of the kind of body they have, caressed by lovers, kissed by their lips, consigned to the infamy of a pleasure unto death, as they both call it, unto the mysterious death of lovers without love. That's what it's all about: this hankering for death (Duras 90)." I know that this has something to do with the fact that death is associated with detachment and separation. However, I am having trouble analyzing this quote any further. Could anyone help me understand this quote? Thanks.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Essay peer edit

A certain person in my peer review group said he would email his essay to us. I have not received the essay. Please send it again to jeffreyjoh AT berkeley, or you can also bring it over to me in Foothill.

Jeff Joh

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Note on Plagiarism

Dear all,

My department has asked me, given that it's the end of the semester and final papers are coming near, to send out a general announcement about plagiarism. I spoke briefly about this at the beginning of the semester, but to reiterate: plagiarism is generally prohibited in Berkeley classes and in this one is grounds for failure. For our purposes, plagiarism consists of the unattributed use of another author's work, or the presentation of another author's work as one's own. A good rule of thumb is that if you think it might be plagiarism, it probably is. Thus all of the following count as plagiarism:

1. Directly quoting another person's actual words, whether oral or written, without citation (quotation marks and indication of source text).

2. Using another person's ideas, opinions, or theories, without citation (indication of source text).

3. Paraphrasing the words, ideas, opinions, or theories of others, whether oral or written, without citation.

If you are wondering if your paper, or parts of your paper, may be plagiarized, there are services available, such as EssayRater, that one can use to assess the occurrence of plagiarism in one's paper. Plagiarism.org is a good site for learning more about what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it.

Please keep all of this in mind as you work on your final papers. If you have any questions, feel free to check out one of the above sites or to e-mail me.



Blow-up Music

I'm wondering if anyone has found any significance in the music of Blow-up, I can't seem to connect it together.