Monday, October 20, 2008

Mid-semester feedback

Hey all,

I'm really interested in getting mid-semester feedback from all of you on the class as it's been going so far. Feedback is always helpful, and there are often issues that one doesn't know about until one reads the end-of-semester feedback forms, by which time it's too late.

Anyway, I've been trying to figure our a way for you all to submit feedback anonymously, so I set up a (very) short feedback form online. It doesn't need your name, and won't record your IP address.

I've also been trying to come up with some sort of incentive for you to fill it out, so how about this: if 2/3 of the class (which is approximately 22 of you) fills out this survey in the next week, everyone in the class will get one "lateness" day scratched from the attendance sheet. And if you haven't been late yet, you'll get one "late day" in the bank that you can use later.

Click Here to take survey

Thanks everyone!

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