Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Style 7.1 & 7.4 Homework

Exercise 7.1
6. The Insured must provide the Insurer with evidence of costs, except when expenses are under $250.
7. Reductions in federal spending must be introduced for there to be a reduction in the size of the federal deficit.
8. Continue medication unless symptoms of dizziness and nausea are not present for six hours.
9. An agency may reject a person from a cost-sharing educational program only if the agency provides a full hearing into why it rejected him.
10. There is disagreement on an open or closed universe which can only be resolved by a computation of the total mass of the universe.
11. If we pay our taxes, the government can pay its debts.
12. If we wish to be energy independent, we must develop alternative fuel sources.
13. Catholics and Protestants will only reconcile when they agree on the Pope’s authority.

Exercise 7.4
1. On the other hand, some TV programming will always appeal to our most prurient interests.
2. The approach to plea bargaining needs to change for two reasons. First it allows criminals to avoid punishment, and second, it encourages a growing lack of respect for the judicial system.
3. One principle governs how to preserve the wilderness from exploitation.
4. It is my belief there are no terrestrial-type snakes—larger than those known—in unmapped areas of the world.
5. Schools transmit more social values than families.

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