Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Homework: 7.1 and 7.4


6. The Insured must provide the Insurer with evidence of costs if expenses exceed $250.
7. The federal deficit can be reduced only if spending is reduced.
8. Continue medication unless there are no symptoms of dizziness or nausea in six hours.
9. People who are not accepted into the cost-sharing educational program should be given an explanation.
10. The dispute of an open or closed universe can be resolved only if the total mass of the universe is computed.
11. Government will be able to pay its debts unless there is a widespread refusal to pay taxes.
12. To become energy independent, the country must develop tar sand, oil shale, and coal.
13. Catholics and Protestants cannot reconcile unless they reach a resolution on papal supremacy.


1. There are always some TV programs that appeal to our lowest interests.
2. The standard approach to plea bargaining needs to be dispensed because it allows criminals to avoid just punishment and encourages lack of respect for the judicial system.
3. The basic principle one must follow in regard to preservation is to not open unspoiled areas to commercial exploitation.
4. We assume that there are no snakes in unmapped areas of the world that are larger than those we know of.
5. The educational system may exceed the family as a source of transmitting social values.

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