Monday, September 22, 2008

Dream impression


I'm making my debut on this blog.

So I was reading back a bit, and Freud says on page 35 that every dream without exception goes back to an impression of the past few days, or probably within the last day. He says later in the paragraph, if a connection is found in the dream content with any impression of the previous day (Why did he say "if"? Didn't he just say that they all have to be?), that impression is so trivial, insignificant, and unmemorable.

Does this mean that every dream content is connected to an unimportant, recent impression?

Jeff Joh

1 comment:

Bluewres said...

If a connection is found, not if a connection is present. Freud realized that we couldn't find all the connections to events in the past few days and so only concerns himself with the ones we do happen to find in our dream content.

Tom Magrino