Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Implications HW


Inferring Implications from Observations
Some parts of the American way as we know it is slipping away.
New housing developments are more concerned about their profit margin than their customers.
Sidewalks were once integral to the ideal American residential landscape.

The average family or home buyer values having some sort of central or at least attached, kitchen.
A living room is more for display and entertaining guests, while a family room, with its more intimate size, is for the permanent residents.
The family room might be where the family gathers after a meal.

Very few, if any, people like intruders, even perhaps acquaintances on their private property.
Part of being a good neighbor may include minding your own business.
Robert Frost despised his neighbors, maybe they were loud at night, or maybe they had kids who ran in his backyard.

The female brain is better able to connect emotions and spatial reasoning into words.
The male brain is inferior because most people would like to be able to improve communicating emotions and reasoning verbally.
Women are better in cognitive faculties than men.

The American court system is flawed because people who aren’t adults are being tried as adults.
Teenagers who commit crimes cannot be held in the same moral obligation as adults.
Either crime is on the rise or more juveniles are committing crimes so heinous that it would cause a judge to believe the defendant must be seen as adult, for the good of the people.

Juveniles should not be tried as adults because biologically, their brains are not developed, especially in the area of judgment making and controlling impulses.
If anything, the current trend for lowering the age for which a teenager can be considered an adult, should be reversed because the human brain is not fully developed even at the age of 18.
An undeveloped segment of the brain means that it does not function, and people who hit their temples really hard might not be rational or have restraint.

Women may have a tendency to confused other people because what appears at first to be a seemingly innocuous question is actually a command.
Men under 30 are mimicking a speech pattern usually found in women, or younger men talk like women.
We must diagnose a solution to an old linguistic tendency that until recently, was not a problem.

Shopping malls and grocery stores want to take your money, so they don’t remind you how long you’ve spent inside.
Shopping malls and grocery stores are owned and managed by the same type of greedy people.
Strategic managers are able to reduce costs, boost sales, and increase the volume of consumers, all in one.

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